…Featherdale Park

….the precious fortunate ones…living here at Featherdale Park.  The University of Sidney projects a billion animals have lost their lives during the bush fires. Relief is in the air…here in Sidney and the surrounding area rain is to begin tomorrow extending throughout the weekend.

Sidney is a beautiful city of approximately 6 million people.  It has an inviting allure where people are gracious and kind.  They deeply appreciate those of us who have not cancelled our plans to visit because of the fires.  Tourism is a huge part of Australia’s economy.

We do smell and see smoke in the air on our visit to the Blue Mountains.  The beautiful blue tint cast upon the mountains from the oil’s of the multitude of eucalyptus tree species is no where to be seen.  On this day, the sun tries to peek through the grey smokey skies with little success.  Still….it was a stunning site to behold.  We see where the fires continue to flare.
day 5/23


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